We are collecting signatures to encourage the local administration and the Indian government to secure World Heritage Status for Vrindavan Dham or, even better, for Braj Mandal.
This blogg has been specially created so that all the Brijvasis and friends of Vrindavan, who live around the world, can write their opinions and recommendations on this topic.
The main purpose of requesting this status is to obtain support from all sides to preserve the sanctity of the places of pilgrimage.
This means that so many people are coming here and buying flats to spend their last days in Vrindavan. The increase of traffic from Delhi and elsewhere, especially on weekends and holidays, is putting tremendous pressure on the local infrastructure, often to the detriment of Vrindavan’s sacred patrimony.
We hope that with the awarding of World Heritage Status more attention will be given to the Vrindavan’s beautiful ghats, refuse collection and disposal, black water management, and so many of the other problems that beset this unique town.
This blogg has been specially created so that all the Brijvasis and friends of Vrindavan, who live around the world, can write their opinions and recommendations on this topic.
The main purpose of requesting this status is to obtain support from all sides to preserve the sanctity of the places of pilgrimage.
This means that so many people are coming here and buying flats to spend their last days in Vrindavan. The increase of traffic from Delhi and elsewhere, especially on weekends and holidays, is putting tremendous pressure on the local infrastructure, often to the detriment of Vrindavan’s sacred patrimony.
We hope that with the awarding of World Heritage Status more attention will be given to the Vrindavan’s beautiful ghats, refuse collection and disposal, black water management, and so many of the other problems that beset this unique town.